Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18th, 2009

After a few hours of 'work' at the consignment shop I headed home about 2pm to get ready for a ceremony I would be attending for a friend from my club. The ceremony was in honor of him achieving the rank of Eagle Scout in boy scouts.
I'd also invited my best friend along as company and by 4pm we were both roaming the closet to get the right outfit.
I settled on my nice pair of blue jeans, a black belt with purple designs, a white shirt with 3/4 sleeves and a shiny color, a purple beaded necklace, and black boots. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and put on some make-up as the finishing touches.
 At 6pm we were out the door and on our way to the rec center. It was a good 40min drive by interstate and we made it there on time.
For the ceremony they'd set up about five rows of tables with chairs. A few of the chairs here and there had balloons tied to the back. Against one of the longer walls was the the podium with a table behind it. When we got there the boy scout troop was still adding the final touches to the room. They brought in a stand that held six candles each with a different emblem on their holders. Near that was a wood cut out of an eagle.
The ceremony started at 7pm with the presentation of the colors and an invocation. This was followed by a speech from one of the Troop's advisors and being an Eagle Scout. From there it led to the lighting of the candles, a different scout lighting each candle. The last one was lit by my friend and he remained up front. After further speeches my friend's parents were then escorted to the front and presented with pins in honor of their help. My friend's mom then pinned the Eagle Scout award on his shirt.
Its said that only 1% of boy scouts make the rank of Eagle Scout. And in this troop's history, my friend was the youngest of 18 to achieve that rank.

It was an interesting ceremony and in the end I am glad I attended.

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