Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17th, 2009

This morning I got up at 6am to get ready for a volunteer opportunity. At 8am I would be one of the many volunteers to help with 'Sincerely Santa' at Wal-mart.
Sincerely Santa is an organization that works to give needy kids gifts for Christmas.

Today, volunteers met at the 'Site to Store' area in the back of wal-mart to shop for the last of the letters from these kids. Next to the sign in sheet was a three ring binder full of hundreds of letters.
After signing in and given a quick orientation volunteers were each handed a letter from the binder, grabbed a shopping cart, and went around Wal-mart to find items for the child based off of the information in the letter. When they were done shopping they would return the cart with the letter to the 'assembly line' of volunteers that would bag the gifts to be processed at a different location. The shoppers would then grab another letter and cart and head back out for more shopping. This cycle continued until all letters were completed.
The operation was done with the help of Walmart employees, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Hillsborough County Fire fighters, an Airforce rotc group, and several other volunteers. 
These volunteers were able to finish the job in a matter of two hours.

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